
Welcome to the AICA Settlement Calculator

Though we can’t guarantee the accuracy of any settlement amounts, this handy tool will help you understand your case’s potential value in just a few easy steps! For the most accurate estimates, call us 24/7 and speak with one of our accident specialists.

Note: AICA is not a law firm and does not offer any legal counsel. 

Settlement Calculator (1) - LIVE

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Settlement Calculator (2)

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  • Based on your responses, we estimate your settlement will range from $0 - $XXX_RESULTS
  • We always include a “zero dollar” minimum potential value to account for potential miscommunication in the evaluation tool. Regardless of your circumstances and responses, in the state of Georgia, you’re entitled to a minimum of $25,000 in medical care.

    Thanks for taking the time to tell us about your accident. We will contact you soon with free tips for winning the max settlement and quality care you deserve.

    Feel free to call 678-498-6244 if you have questions about medical care, legal representation, your vehicle, or anything else related to your accident. At AICA, we got your back!
  • This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.